Allotment Care
Taking on an Allotment can be a lot of hard work initially and require some specialist tools or equipment, which can work out to be expensive, even if you decide to hire them to get the ball rolling.
The average Full Allotment is usually about 250 Square Metres, which is a large amount of ground to prepare, even a Half plot can take a long time to get into a working state.
Not everyone is lucky enough to take on a pristine new plot where it can be put to work right away; let alone have the tools to make short work of such a large task if it is a weed infested mess. Often as not it will have been neglected and unused for several years. (Which is odd as generally there is a large waiting list for Allotments…)
Which usually means Perennial weeds have deeply rooted and are overrunning the plot as well as huge amounts of Annual weeds and other bains of the Allotmenteer such as Bramble and the dreaded grasses.
The above Allotment is a standard 5 x 25 Metre Allotment.
It had been left unused for 2 years. When taken on it had been over run with perennial weeds and the Annual weeds were starting to produce masses of seeds and infesting that plot as well as the neighbouring plots. Some of the Perennial Weed roots were 9 Inches long so deeply rooted and well established. It took a lot of time spraying down with weed killer, then forking over inch by inch to remove the weeds, roots and detritus left over from the previous owner. Weeks of backbreaking work to do and done a few hours at a time; a day at a time.
Then more of the same to prepare the soil for actual growing and planting of the things you get an allotment for.
Shadow Of The Gardener offer Allotment clearance services which can begin with using heavy duty strimmers to cut back all the growth or overgrown vegetation, through to Spraying the plot with heavy duty Weed Killer to kill the unwanted weeds and grasses. Then once the area has been cleared off and died back to a manageable plot, the Rotavator service can come in and turn your plot over with a powerful Rotavator and save you endless hours of backbreaking work with a fork; leaving your land in a fine tilth and ready to go and plant or sow what you’d like.
All of the above can turn an Allotment unfit to use into a workable plot in a few weeks.* Leaving you to get on with preparing yourself for the joy of cultivating and growing.
*Results can vary depending on Size of Allotment and amount of Weed and state of the plot.