Bespoke 4 Seasons Gardener & Gardening Services for Properties of an Acre or more.

Tag Bonsai

Chinese Elm Yamadori – Root Prune and trunk selection

Initial photographs & then speeded up 8 time video of me taking the Yamadori Chinese Elm from the 60 Litre Container.   Prune the roots as I clear out the soil and weeds. Sizing up the trunks and roots below…. Continue Reading →

Twin Ornamental Trees removal

Shadow of the Gardener. @shadowofthegardener Twin Ornamentals Removal from Containers. Difficult access. Well established Ornamental Stock. December 2022. Removal day…   By hand, then by machine… If necessary, and it was! Hori Hori by Nisaku ‘Yamakatana’ – Deadly &… Continue Reading →

#ChineseElm Yamadori Branch selection and shaping

Chinese Elm. Ulmus parvifolia Private Stock Workshop. Nov 2022. Somewhere in Rutland. Side View.

Ulmus parvifolia – Chinese Elm

Over the last Month or so we have been harvesting some of our potential bonsai stock. Grown locally here in Rutland, locally hardy and in an exposed place.  So the stock is weather worn and also generally tougher and more… Continue Reading →

Yamadori Redwoods – 3 more harvested today!

The SOTG Ground team and Tree Division, out and about with the hand tools today. (Josh my assistant with a few shovels & bags & me with the dog and the tree knowledge!)   Good conditions for Shadow the dog,… Continue Reading →

#Zen Water Feature project

Aqua Scaping – Creating Garden Features with Water involved. #AquaScaping

Bending Branches

How & why do you need to bend Tree branches? First the Why?   You may just need to?  To train a Tree, or shape a Shrub. Deter a larger tree sending a branch the wrong way, or somewhere not… Continue Reading →

Digging out my first Yamadori Redwood

Yamadori Redwood for Bonsai material. By Shadow of the Gardener. January 2022. Lead Gardener and the Lead Gardener’s Assistant. A day in the life of a Gardener series. Bonsai Collection Part .   Given the colder weather & frosts Rutland… Continue Reading →

Shadow & I in the snow checking the Bonsai Nursery

Woke up today to a Winter Wonderland of snow fall. Shadow & I both enjoy a good walk in the snow, more so if I can take the camera out with me for some fun.  

Bonsai is safe for me, or a safe place due to its size and predictable elements and outcomes. For the longest time I’ve not had the time or workspace to work on the smaller details while building up a working… Continue Reading →

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