Quotes or Quotations & Estimates;

About SOTG Quotes:

Initial Quotations are Free.

As is the Initial Common Sense Risk Assessment Conducted on site.

When you show SOTG the site & work to be undertaken & completed.

They are Limited in Scope & Time;

  1. By the List of work agreed at the price agreed upon.
  2. The Quote itself is only open for a Period of 6 Weeks.
  3. Subject to a Fair Use Policy.


As of Nov 2021:

– Work will only commence, once a Written Agreement for Pricing for them; has been returned to us.

If requested, a full & comprehensive Quote will be detailed & Drafted.

Any further Risk Assessing, other work, or Additional Detailing will require a further Quote or Assessment; charges will apply accordingly.

Administration Charges start at a Minimum of £30 Per Hour after the Initial Free Quote has been sent.


About these matters:

We Operate Bookings in advance, so cannot leave empty booking slots; open beyond a 6 Week point.

We operate Seasonally, this is how our work flows.

If you miss your Quote window, the same Quote will not apply potentially; if you wish to rebook the same work.

Seasonal demand elsewhere, is also a large part; of how our work flow & timings are directed or assigned.



If you have requested an Estimate, that is all it is, an estimation.

Of the amount of Time, Work Force & then the actual Machines & their Time to Complete the Task List that has been Requested.

Based on an Estimation, you may wish to engage SOTG for our Services.

At an agreed Rate for work to begin.

By Hourly Rate and a Time Schedule for the work to be performed.

Details of the tasks to be performs and Rates for them will be in the Quote or Quotation you will be sent via Electronic Mail or other means.

So you can verify & agree to them.

When you reply responding, you accept the quote & details it covers for a 6 Week period.  From date of Issue by Us.


Fair Use Policy.

Estimates & Quotations are also Subject to a Fair Use Policy.


All Trial or Discount offers draw to an end.

The work you are having done as part of a Trial, or while the project is subject to a Discount; does not mean they last for ever.

Nor can they be applied to “Follow on” work or “other tasks” that were not included or discussed originally.

This is where Fair Usage Policy applies.


All Trial Periods and Discounts CAN and WILL be withdrawn by SOTG; if they cause the Company financial Hardship, or are taken advantage of, or are assumed as a given; beyond their fair application to assess & judge our Services.

You will be informed before any hours are Operated when that occurs.

We have found that people are often obliging of Offers & discounts, even when they should appreciate; all good things in moderate doses.

Some it seems, are happy to take more than a fair offer; too extremes.


Due to Covid.


Invoicing & Online Bank Payment Accepted.

Booking Slot Deposits May Be Requested to Hold a Seasonal Booking Slot.

A Written Contract of Work will be required; to Engage Regular SOTG Services & Facilities.

We reserve the right to Change Pricing Structure & Policy.

& to request a Deposit before work Commences.

During the Global Pandemic & Economic Situation in the UK.

If required to do so, you will be notified in advance.

All Rights Reserved by Shadow of the Gardener Ltd –  1st Nov 2021.