Bespoke 4 Seasons Gardener & Gardening Services.

Category Seasonal

March to May to Do List

March to May to Do List. Gardening in the UK between March and May is an exciting time as spring kicks into gear. The weather starts to warm up, days get longer, and plants begin to wake up after winter…. Continue Reading →

Shadow of the Gardener Lawn FAQ 2025

Dear SOTG can you… Can you Spray for moss; yes we can do that. Can you clean up mole hills; yes we can do that. Can you mow the lawn; yes we can do that. Can you Stripe the lawn;… Continue Reading →

1.8 Meter Adjustable Tripod Ladder by Henchman

Small Orchard Ladders. #SOTG Owns & Deploys the ‘Biggest brother’ of these ladders. They come in at a whopping 4.8 Meters, & we love them. We consider them the Apex of Larger Professional Ladder work & Safe use while on… Continue Reading →

Twin Ornamental Trees removal

Shadow of the Gardener. @shadowofthegardener Twin Ornamentals Removal from Containers. Difficult access. Well established Ornamental Stock. December 2022. Removal day…   By hand, then by machine… If necessary, and it was! Hori Hori by Nisaku ‘Yamakatana’ – Deadly &… Continue Reading →

Love Heart & Arrow Bonsai Tree – Chinese Elm

Love Heart & Arrow. Chinese Elm Bonsai by:   Was a cold December evening, into the Bonsai Studio Shadow and I entered.   Selected a few trees, sorted out the lights, grabbed the wire, got busy & got cold…

Clay balls

Mountain deep… Ant & Mole hill removal part 2. Empingham. Nov 2022.   Lawn works; One machine down, and no word yet on a price or replacement for the fried drive belt for the Toro. So only one Aerator to… Continue Reading →

Toro down. [Scarifier]

Drive belt… One machine down… Clay… Ant Hills, Mole hills & more clay. #SOTG is currently preparing a lawn for some long over due renovation & rejuvenation. As well as remove & flatten Clay deposits, thick mud pockets, & old… Continue Reading →

Yamadori Larch repot

Nov 2022. Yamadori – Wild grown Larch – 7 years Old.  


The Sun sets, on: Autumn 2022.

Overwintering – Cheating Nature

Bonsai Studio. Setting up the workspace. Shadow Camera View. Video Gallery. Time lapsed: Drift Camera   Equipment;   Camera’s. Drift Ghost XL Action Camera & Drift Ghost XL Action Camera Ghost Edition. Tripod: By Joby Secateurs: Felco Model 2 Large.

Pond winterising

Pond winterising. With Autumn leaf fall in full swing, winds rising and temperatures dropping now the clocks have changed. The big question. Leave the pond to take the brunt of the weather, or put it to bed for Winter?  … Continue Reading →

Rodents and unwanted house guests

Unwanted house guests. Just a reminder that it is this time of year, as the overnight temperatures really start to drop outside. That mice and other furry unwanted house guests, may start to seek somewhere warm and cosy. Especially if… Continue Reading →

Quick Pine repot after wind blows over recently collected Yamadori Pine

Quick Pine repot. Quick repot after strong wind blows a recently collected Yamadori Pine tree over. Using Hori Hori by Dr Otek & Fiskars. Brief appearances by Shadow. 🐺 Also seen in the video are Felco Number 2 Secateurs & Spear… Continue Reading →

Autumn Beech Leaf Fall Collection & Recycling

  First serious leaf fall after a stormy weekend with thunderstorms locally. Rather than let it sit and go to waste, it was gathered into a carpet on the grass strip, using a pair of Stihl leaf blowers.  Then mulched… Continue Reading →

Ulmus parvifolia – Chinese Elm

Over the last Month or so we have been harvesting some of our potential bonsai stock. Grown locally here in Rutland, locally hardy and in an exposed place.  So the stock is weather worn and also generally tougher and more… Continue Reading →

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