Big & Tall Contact form.

Most of our Clients are aware the material they want cutting is normally done using specialist equipment.

As it is beyond normal or safe ladder size & use; or not practical to cut with standard ladders & a hedge cutter.


Please also be aware:

Working in the upper canopy requires a large and expensive array of equipment.

This is often booked out elsewhere in the County at other job sites; so is not available on demand.


While we do provide Heavy Duty Pruning, we can only remove a maximum of 30% of the canopy.

If the Shrub, Hedge or Tree is healthy.  & depending how much would be healthy for the material to be cut.

We can only remove shrubs or hedges, & smaller trees; If it is in our working range.

We are not Tree Surgeons.


Our current Maximum working height is 10 Meters.

We have various Ladders to work up to & at 10 Meters height.

Supported by Ultra long reach equipment to reach out to around 3-4 Meters.

If your Project involves working above that;

An extra charge will be due to arrange specialist insurance for your work.

We will discuss this with you if that is the case.

It will be considered Landscaping work and will require a risk assessment.

We will be happy to come view the work and carry out an initial face to face meeting with you.

So we can get a detailed overview of your Project & works to be carried out.

Your neighbours as well; depending on the work being carried out.

In case we need access for clean up etc.


This will allow us to pre-risk assess your property while we inspect the work you require performing.

Please be:

  • As detailed as you can about the sizes or measurements of the material you want cutting.
  • As well as any issues or problems that would hinder or impede our work.
  • Provide the details of when it was last cut & what you want doing with the cuttings.


We may need to deploy a Drone for Risk Assessing or to take pictures or Video to fully view the work needed.

Also used for measuring heights or viewing hard to access areas.

& for documentation for Insurance purposes.

We also operate using Hemet Cameras while working.

Or the Company vehicle is fitted with CCTV.

Please fill in the details below as thoroughly as possible.

Our Price Banding & Limitations.

Our average Estimates If the top of the material is:

  • Below 2 Meters height = Standard cut. £70 – £100 Inc VAT.
  • Above 2 Meters height = Big & Tall. £90 – £125 inc VAT
  • Above 5 Meters Height = Heavy Duty Specialist. £125 upwards.

This is not a full list of cuts, prices or services offered; just a guideline for this specific area.

  1. Complexity
  2. Insurance Requirements
  3. Risk

Will be a variable in those figures though.

& they are based on 2 Team members.

Chipping service available.

No ladder work is undertaken without a 2nd team member on site.

Green Waste Removal Options can be discussed if needed.

We are not Tree Surgeons.



Heavy Duty Specialist level Material:

Requires specialist Ladders, Platforms, Scaffold or Towers.

These incur an extra cost depending on the height your material requires.

Or your situation requires.

We are not Tree Surgeons.

While you will clearly see me Lone Working in some videos on this Site.

& Hosted on YouTube or other Social Media.

It is old footage and here is the reason we have a Ladder policy.

Our safety is of the Highest Priority.

& why we are by law required to operate at height with at least 1 safety team member.

We also operate heavy machinery and heavy loads.

SOTG only performs Lone Working for long term Clients.

& only when safe to do so.

It is also more efficient.


Social Media Presence.

Official Facebook Page –

Official Youtube