Day One – Cutting for access.

– a glimpse into what goes on:

@shadowofthegardener arrives on our first work day, to get started work.

After several face to face meetings, and long weeks of email discussions, picture taking, and discussing all the details and needs the clients had for the final garden design.  There was also extensive issues with the garden to get their design and vision feasible; let alone possible.

First things is first:  Access.


We all need to be able to get around.

Clients, family, friends, visitors.


The property was about to become a small aircraft carrier of tradesmen; it was going to be very busy.

We had a small window of opportunity to get in & get the main bulk if the cut work done before we lost our already narrow access into the rear of this garden.

A narrow gate meant machine size had to be kept within tight restrictions.

Then the other tradesmen’s skips started arriving, blocking the drive and also the gate more often than not.

Then the portaloo arrived on site; and well it did not get any better.

This is a long one.

Lasting several months…


I will upload videos as and when I have time; or need the space on my computer.

(The video files alone take up large amounts of space.)