Starting from this weekend.
Heat Stress Warning: 30 Degree Celsius & Above Weather Warnings Issued.
Looks highly likely we will enjoy another heatwave, of around 3 days initially of above average temperatures.
Forecast currently showing Heat for 3 Days Peaking at: 35 Degree Celsius.

Amber warning of extreme heat
Starts: 00:00 BST on Sun 17 JulyEnds: 23:59 BST on Tue 19 July
A hot spell is likely to develop from Sunday, likely peaking early next week, leading to widespread impacts on people and infrastructure.
– Population-wide adverse health effects are likely to be experienced, not limited to those most vulnerable to extreme heat, leading to potential serious illness or danger to life. Government advice is that 999 services should be used in emergencies only; seek advice from 111 if you need non-emergency health advice
– Substantial changes in working practices and daily routines likely to be required
– Significantly more people are likely to visit coastal areas, lakes and rivers leading to increased risk of water safety incidents
– Delays on roads and road closures are possible, along with delays and cancellations to rail and air travel, with potential for significant welfare issues for those who experience even moderate delays
Issued at: 13:59 BST on Mon 11 July
Last updated: 9 hours ago
Stay hydrated, stay in the shade, if you have to work; work safely!
Ensure water supplies for Pets & Animals are Topped up, Fresh and replaced as & when needed.
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