Just a quick note to the kind lady who rang last night to inform us that DPD had somehow managed to deliver items meant for Shadow of the Gardener; to her home by mistake.


I don’t have anything really to say about how poorly DPD performed on this day.Ā  The address the items were meant to go, was in another County.Ā  The only thing you managed to get right was deliver it to the right numbered house, in the wrong town, the wrong County and of course the wrong Postcode.Ā  #Fail


The level of honesty and kindness shown by the lovely lady, to go to the trouble of finding the business and then contacting us to let us know the machinery and other items we had ordered, had been delivered to.Ā  We are genuinely overwhelmed by your kindness.Ā  Thank you for taking the items in and doing DPD’s job for them, as well as saving us the trouble to track the item down.Ā  We at Shadow of the Gardener appreciates it!


It shall of course be repaid, that is how Karma works, and we for one are glad. šŸ™‚


We wish you joy, health & happiness for your trouble.


<3 from SOTG to you dear Liz.


Thanks very much!