Due to an attempted theft of the Company Van last night, the vehicle is currently off the road for the next week or so while we await replacement parts; and get the required work done on it to make it road legal & safe again.
One of the vans windows needs replacing, as well as some electrical repairs; will be required as a minimum.
The van needs a full mechanics inspection as the damage caused by the attempted break in and theft of the vehicle is fairly extensive.
We are unable to be definitive about parts arriving or scheduling for repairs once the replacements parts have arrived, due to supply chain issues and potential strikes or upcoming strike action. We are heeding the advice from the Mechanic, and not expecting the van to be ready to use again; for a week to 10 days. As the van cannot be secured or locked properly due to the damage, it has to be stored while it is insecure; till repaired or made safe & secure to drive.
Due to this enforced downtime, we are going to take our Company Annual Leave, as the Team are over due taking time off, and we have a legal requirement to ensure our staff are well rested. So given the drop in productivity having no Company vehicle will cause; we thought it best to reduce all downtime in this manner in one go & for the Team to take annual leave together. Which is something we avoid usually, though in this situation we are left with little choice. So are trying to make the best of a bad situation.
So we will not be back in work till Mid July.
We will book to confirm starting up work on your garden as soon as we are sure we can return to work; & you are ready for us to do so!
Josh our latest Team member is currently going through his Induction; he is not able to reach your garden currently with the required tools etc. We had hoped to provide some cover for your garden over our Annual Leave; the timing of the Van break in & the issues it has caused however forced our hand.
We hope you understand.
Any questions or issues with your garden or the SOTG Services; please let us know in writing and we will address them.
Simon will also catch up on paper work while the van is being repaired.
So any updates for the garden and the plans for it, Task Lists, Shopping lists or Trade or Bulk deliveries will be dealt with during this down time.
May we also ask if any feedback “Good or Bad” be put forward, as Annual Review of Staff & Training is required. That would help us facilitate those things.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
We will be back in July!
Simon & the Team.
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