Hold off just a week or Two longer!
Before putting those tender plants out or starting to sow tender stock till the last of the frosts or risk of frost has passed.
The urge to get started and get sowing and planting out to ensure a good strong plant for the season is overwhelming. I say that as someone who loves that part of the early season and I have at least 150 to 200 packets of seeds to sow and get out this year.
However, having been keen before in other years and getting caught out with young stock either killed outright by a snap frost or very seriously set back which weakens and stresses plants (& incidentally stressed and weak plants attract slugs and snails!) I advise holding off just that little bit longer, the damage from frost just isn’t worth those few extra days.
Instead focus on other seasonal tasks this weather is perfect for.
Hedge Trimming and pruning as well as shaping before the birds start nesting and you can no longer cut hedges.
Beds and borders, tidy up prior to planting and dewed them ready for your new stock or your old favourites to burst into life.
Lawn care and prep: Removing Moss and Thatch now and preparing your lawn for the long season ahead by removing as much of the non grass elements as possible to allow for more grass and healthier grass to prevail. Scarifying your lawn now will pay dividends in a few months and while it may look a little worse for wear for a few weeks, now is the better time to get this job done and then you can top dress your lawn and overseed to encourage fresh healthy new growth in the space made by removing the Moss and Thatch.
Paving Care and Decking prep: The path and decking may be looking a little sad after winter and perhaps has a veneer or Algae or moss on it. Giving these a good pressure wash now to remove that, will stop it building up and gaining hold.
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